The slippery slope.

Have you not seen that they intend to use Covid martial law restrictions every time there is some sort of environmental issue? It’s the same idea. People cannot be trusted to judge for themselves if they can properly breathe outdoors or not, so listen to the government and stop attending that filthy church of yours.

Soon they will say high temperatures make it unsafe to go outside except in government regulated curfew days and hours.

Cold temperatures require you to take these pills.

Dry summers means you can’t water your produce outside.

Stop driving your gas-powered car around except if you consent to install a government-regulated mileage and speed and location tracker.

Don’t collect rainwater, that belongs to the government.

Don’t install your own solar or wind harvesting devices, that belongs to the government.

Air conditioning is bad because it costs more energy and we want to save energy so we don’t have to use fossil fuels.

Don’t use physical currency, outlaw bartering.

Stop having more than one child.

Stop adopting children because it encourages people to have extra children and not have abortions.

Don’t let children engage in playful activity or eye contact, it spreads the latest Commie bug.

Physical books make your household more susceptible to fire. Ban bookstores and libraries.

Sex with your spouse is not okay without a vaccine but pedophilia is a protected minority class.

Web searches outside government monitoring and content standards lead to contrary think.

Text messages will be curtailed by AI censors.

Independent food production has been linked by peer reviewed studies by experts to cause disease.

Cattle and animals must be produced only in limited quotas because they lead to environmental damage.

Individual sales and gift giving are illegal because not all can be regulated by government.

Guns and sharp edged knives or scissors are dangerous weapons and must be confiscated.

Home education is dangerous and leads to contrary radicalism.

Sports are outlawed because they cause toxic masculinity.

Making income beyond government quota leads to inequality and must be taxed.

Borders are racist and must be outlawed.

Prisons are discriminatory against minorities, only arrest white people.

Inventions are outlawed and must be confiscated by the government because they might cause harm to the greater good.

Art and humor must be scrutinized by government censors because they might contain hate speech which might trigger a government protected minority (ie. a human endangered species).

Any sort of feelings of sadness, anger, excitement, or joy might be a sign you are outside the Party line, report to your local government psychologist who may prescribe you pills to regulate those potentially harmful emotions according to peer reviewed studies by the big corporate experts.

These are not theoretical ideas by the way.. there’s nothing new under the sun.

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